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Nordstrom Medical Tower Electronic Tenant® Directory

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Stacey M. Adams, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Floor: 14    Suite: 1460
Jennie Allen, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Floor: 8    Suite: 860
Samuel Barloon, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Floor: 6    Suite: 620
Christopher Bellotti, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Floor: 8    Suite: 860
Daniel Berg, MD P: 206-860-4796
The Polyclinic MOHS Surgery   Floor: 10    Suite: 1090
Kevin Beshlian, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Floor: 16    Suite: 1600
Charles Birnbach, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Floor: 6    Suite: 620
Brigit Brock, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Susan Bryar, ARNP P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Hayley Cain, MS, CGC P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Yicheng Chen, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Floor: 6    Suite: 620
Nelson H Conley, MD P: 206-386-6300
Seattle Ultrasound   Floor: 11    Suite: 1150
Roshan D'Souza, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Floor: 8    Suite: 860
Jane Dimer, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Ursula Durland, MS, CGC P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Katherine Eastwood, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Ali Etemad, DDS, MS P: 206-682-4464
Pacific Endodontics   Floor: 11    Suite: 1140
Robert Francis, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Floor: 6    Suite: 620
Sameer Gopalani, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Annalisa Gorman, MD P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Floor: 14    Suite: 1480
M.L.(Weezie) Greenwood, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Floor: 14    Suite: 1460
M. Louise (Weezie) Greenwood, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Floor: 14    Suite: 1460
Kelly Griffith-Bauer, MD P: 206-860-4796
The Polyclinic MOHS Surgery   Floor: 10    Suite: 1090
James Harding, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Tony Huynh, MD
Glaucoma   Floor: 680    Suite: 6
Frank Isik, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Floor: 16    Suite: 1600
Annisa L. Jamil, MD
Glaucoma   Floor: 6    Suite: 680
Jennifer Katzeriksen, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Lauren Kesl, MS, CGC P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Todd Kiesert, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Suite: 620
Steve Kim, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Suite: 620
Krista Kinne, ARNP P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Cherise Klotz, MS, CGC P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Kimberly Krabill, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Suite: 860
Patrick Kuritz, DNP, ARNP P: 206-310-2359
Providence Care Coordination / Infusion Services  
Suite: 1220
Jeffrey Kyllo, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Suite: 1600
Charis Lau, PharmD, O.D.
Evergreen Eye Associates   Suite: 1250
Jason Lee, MD P: 206-322-2000
Seattle Vascular Surgery - Mai Pham, MD   Suite: 1190
Sepideh Makouei, PA-C P: 206-322-2000
Seattle Vascular Surgery - Mai Pham, MD   Suite: 1190
Jodi S. Markus P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Suite: 1480
Nicole Marshall, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Suite: 1460
Tessa Marzulla, MS, CGC P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
John McCloskey, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Suite: 860
Cindy Mi, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Suite: 620
Lauren Must, PA-C P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Suite: 1600
Meghan Nadeau, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Floor: 16    Suite: 1600
Robert Nash, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Suite: 620
Deanna Njenga, ARNP P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Breanna S. Oberlin, MS, RD, CDE P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Keith Paige, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Suite: 1600
Rachel Parine, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Suite: 1460
Matthew Park, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Suite: 860
Sarah Patton, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Suite: 1460
Sarah B. Patton, PA-C P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Floor: 14    Suite: 1460
Laura Periman, MD
Evergreen Eye Associates   Floor: 12    Suite: 1250
Suzanne Peterson, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Darcy Peterson, RN, BSN P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Floor: 16    Suite: 1600
Mai Pham, MD P: 206-322-2000
Seattle Vascular Surgery - Mai Pham, MD   Suite: 1180/1190
Lisa Precht, MD P: 206-659-0505
Premier Cosmetic Surgery & Medispa   Suite: 840
Mathew Rajitha, ARNP P: 206-322-2000
Seattle Vascular Surgery - Mai Pham, MD   Floor: 11    Suite: 1190
Dale P. Reisner, MD
Swedish Women's Health & Pediatric Admin.   
Floor: 15    Suite: 1550
Nefthi Sandeep, MD P: 206-223-2178
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax   Suite: 860
David Saperstein, MD P: (206) 215-3850
Pacific Northwest Retina   Suite: 620
Janet Schneeman, RN, MEd, CDE P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Michael Shen, DDS, MSD P: 206-682-4464
Pacific Endodontics   Floor: 11    Suite: 1140
Lauren Slevin, Ph.D., MS P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Callie Smithson, DDS, MSD P: 206-682-4464
Pacific Endodontics   Floor: 11    Suite: 1140
Tanya Sorensen, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Mark Stivers, DDS P: 206-624-8445
Puget Sound Oral Surgery   Floor: 10    Suite: 1020
Mariam B. Totonchy, MD P: 206-346-6647
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery   Floor: 14    Suite: 1480
Lan Tran, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Haley Trudeau, LME P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Suite: 1600
Jeroen Vanderhoeven, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Sarah A. Waller, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Cindy Wei, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Suite: 1600
Ruth Wei, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Drew Welk, MD P: 206-860-5582
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center   Suite: 1600
John J. Whitehead
Evergreen Eye Associates   Suite: 1250
Luchin Wong, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Suite: 750
Amber Wood, MD P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Rachel Zare, CNM P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Eilee Zhu, CNM, ARNP P: 206-386-2101
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center  
Floor: 7    Suite: 750
Marryellen Zinsley, ARNP P: 206-310-2359
Providence Care Coordination / Infusion Services  
Floor: 12    Suite: 1220

Cellnetix Pathology & Laboratories P: (206) 576-6050 Suite 820
Floor: 8
Evergreen Eye Associates 1250
Floor: 12
Glaucoma 680
Floor: 6
Healthpeak Properties, Inc. P: 206-386-2066 Suite 650
Floor: 6
Kaiser Permanente Care Management & Hospitalists Suite 1010
Floor: 10
LabCorp P: 206-621-3074
F: 206-621-6459
Suite 610
Floor: 6
Luat Su Son, PS P: 206-558-7900 Suite 1410
Floor: 14
MD2 P: 206-486-8420
F: 206-486-8423
Suite 1290
Floor: 12
Northwest Congenital Heart Care / Mednax P: 206-223-2178
F: 206-223-2127
Suite 860
Floor: 8
Obstetrix Of Washington 1150
Floor: 11
Pacific Endodontics P: 206-682-4464
F: 206-682-00673
Suite 1140
Floor: 11
Pacific Northwest Retina P: (206) 215-3850 Suite 620 / 680
Floor: 6
Pacific Vascular P: 206-292-3037
F: 206-292-6259
Suite 810
Floor: 8
Premier Cosmetic Surgery & Medispa P: 206-659-0505
F: 206-328-4636
Suite 840
Floor: 8
Providence Care Coordination / Infusion Services P: 206-310-2359 Suite 1220
Floor: 12
Providence Home & Community Care P: 206-771-1082
F: 206-215-5939
Suite 1210
Floor: 12
Puget Sound Oral Surgery P: 206-624-8445
F: 206-624-1460
Suite 1020
Floor: 10
Revibe Men's Health P: 206-529-1111
F: 206-623-3307
Suite 890
Floor: 8
Seattle Radiologists P: 206-292-6233
F: 206-292-7764
Suites 850 / 900
Floor: 8 & 9
Seattle Ultrasound P: 206-386-6300
F: 206-386-6316
Suite 1150
Floor: 11
Seattle Vascular Surgery - Mai Pham, MD P: 206-322-2000 Suite 1180 / 1190
Floor: 11
Skin Surgery Center - MOHS Surgery P: 206-346-6647
F: 206-346-6022
Suites 1420 / 1460 / 1480
Floor: 14th
Swedish Linguistic Services P: 206-215-2362 Suite 690
Swedish Maternal & Fetal Specialty Center P: 206-386-2101
F: 206-386-6715
Suite 750
Floor: 7
Swedish Medical Staff Services Suite 1570
Floor: 15
Swedish Outpatient Ultrasound P: 206-386-3061 Suites 615 / 670
Floor: 6
Swedish Pediatric Therapy Services P: 206-386-3592 Suite 1500
Floor: 15
Swedish Women's Health & Pediatric Admin. Suite 1550
Floor: 15
The Polyclinic MOHS Surgery P: 206-860-4796 Suite 1090
Floor: 10
The PolyClinic Plastic Surgery Center P: 206-860-5582
F: 206-860-4750
Suite 1600
Floor: 16